Coordenador do projeto:
e engenheiros
Total de recursos humanos
Total financiado
€ 3.619.906
Total financiado
€ 2.998.934
Número do acordo
de financiamento
Organismo financiador: EUSPA
OVERWATCH Mapa holográfico de gestão integrada para eventos de segurança e crises
Coordenador do projeto:
e engenheiros
Total de recursos humanos
Total financiado
€ 3.619.906
Total financiado
€ 2.998.934
Número do acordo
de financiamento
Organismo financiador
OVERWATCH Mapa holográfico de gestão integrada para eventos de segurança e crises
Perceção situacional em 2D e 3D dos eventos de inundação e incêndio com, por exemplo, a medição dos impactos diretos e indiretos na área afectada ou a monitorização de eventos, em tempo real, através de vídeo de alta resolução (visível, térmico e hiper-espectral); gestão das operações de acordo com a tipologia do terreno detetada pelos drones; aplicação dos meios de salvamento mais adequados de acordo com a gravidade do incidente; ligação da equipa de gestão de crises através de dispositivos de AR, que estarão virtualmente imersos no mundo real; monitorização da posição exata dos operadores e dos meios envolvidos.
A plataforma de gestão backend permitirá a colaboração de diferentes tipos de utilizadores com diferentes papéis na gestão das fontes de informação, explorar novas fontes ou integrar outros sistemas de gestão de crises, a fim de ter um sistema cooperativo que proporcionará uma visão global da crise/evento. A solução irá apoiar a gestão de emergências e crises abrangendo uma vasta gama de situações, com uma abordagem proactiva e uma orientação perspicaz, contribuindo para moldar um plano de implementação adequado às necessidades dos diferentes intervenientes.
Jan 16, 2025
Online - ITHACA
Nightingale Final Event
TheOVERWATCH project was presented during the NIGHTINGALE Project Final Event on 16/01/2025. The presentation highlighted the project’s transition into its third year, showcasing the finalization of system components and the integration of advanced technologies, including hashtag#drones, EarthObservation data, ArtificialIntelligence algorithms, and AugmentedReality. Davide Lisi, the speaker for the presentation, provided an overview of these technologies and their operational applications.
Dec 3, 2024
AR Lens Testing Event
As part of the OVERWATCH project, our partner Holo-Light recently conducted an exclusive test of its AR lenses with a diverse group of 11 users, including both experts and beginners.
Nov 25, 2024
KoM of Unicorn Project
Presentation of the OVERWATCH project at the Kick-off Meeting (KoM) of the UNICORN project (both EUSPA funded)
Oct 2-3-4, 2024
Nadmex, participated to Nadmex - Disaster Management Summit in Istanbul to be part of a panel debate around Approached and Strategies in Combating Forest Fires, on 3rd of October. The NADMEX Disaster Management Exhibition and Summit, took place on October 2-4, 2024 with the aim of contributing to the formation of a disaster-resilient society.
Oct 11, 2024
CEMS Annual Conference 2024
Focus is on how early-warning and monitoring data - on droughts, wildfires, floods, emergency mapping and population exposure - provided by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) can support a wide range of policies and help build disaster risk management strategies.
Sep 16, 2024
CNR - Milan, and Online-ITHACA
The FirEUrisk European Territory Demonstration Event showcases as assessment of the methods developed within the FirEUrisk project for the European Territory, as well as the validation and the semi-operational tests conducted in the summer of 2024. Overwatch Project participate in the event to discuss how advanced technologies such as earth observation, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and drones can enhance wildfire anagement strategies, as we aim to contribute to a more effective and data-driven approach to fire mitigation.
Jul 11, 2024
Lisbon, Portugal - CINAMIL
The OVERWATCH Project was represented by Professor José Borges and Researchers Ana Romão and Daniela Fraga (from CINAMIL, AM, Portugal) at MILTEC24. Promoted by AFCEA Portugal and the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the International Conference "MILTEC24-Strengthening Defense: The Role of Innovation and Emerging and Disruptive Technologies" was held on July 11, 2024, at the Military University Institute in Lisbon, Portugal.
Apr 16-17, 2024
Palmela, Portugal - CINAMIL
1st National Conference on Public Policies in Civil Protection
The OVERWATCH project was presented by Engineer Daniela Fraga at the 1st National Conference on Public Policies in Civil Protection 2024 which took place in Palmela, Portugal. The conference, hosted by the Centre for Studies and Intervention in Civil Protection (CEIPC Centro de Estudos), served as a pivotal platform and debate forum for reflecting on the course of public policies to enhance civil protection efforts at the national and European levels.
Mar 13-15, 2024
Maryland, United States - ITHACA
Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management (12th FG-AI4NDM Meeting and Workshop 2024)
The OVERWATCH project has been presented (online) at the 12th "Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management" Meeting and Workshop 2024 (FG-AI4NDM).
Nov, 2022
Wildfire Risk Management Clustering Event 2023
The event is organised by European Research Executive Agency (REA) together with the project Firelogue, an EU Coordination and Support Action aiming to unite fire-related projects and to exploit their synergies. The event will showcase first results of Wildfire Risk Management Green Deal Innovation Actions (TREEDS, SILVANUS, FIRE RES), FirEUrisk, recent DG ECHO fire projects (AFAN, IPA Floods and Fires, WUITIPS) and other fire related initiatives, to practically advance topics such as wildfire risk assessments and governance, questions about coherence of the range of policies related to managing wildfire risk such as forestry strategies or nature conservation.
Nov 6-8, 2022
SAFERS Cross-project peer learning online webinars
Two webinars organized by SAFERS will gather several wildfire emergency and risk management projects, namely FIRELOGUE, OVERWATCH and TREEADS funded by the EU.
Jun 12-17, 2022
Bari, Italy
Italian Society of Remote Sensing
AIT2023 is the 11th Congress of the Italian Society of Remote Sensing (AIT-Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento). AIT, since its foundation in 1985, has been the key reference subject for supporting communication and coordination of scientific activities in the field of Earth Observation in Italy.
Mar 27-31, 2022
SIRESP Bootcamp
Portugal, Madeira Island - CINAMIL
SIRESP Bootcamp, a regional connection between industry, academic and social environment.
Nov 5-9, 2022
Kraków, Poland - CBK
Innovation in disaster prevention
Event held by Norvegian Directorate for Civil Protection, Polish Government Center for Security, Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences; high-level networking conference oriented on challenges, solutions and opportunities.
Jan 27, 2022
Warsaw, Poland-CBK
BALTinnoSEC Pilot Forum
First cross-sectorial, multi-disciplinary innovation forum for societal security experts in the Baltic Sea Region.
Mar 23, 2022
Miami Natural Disasters Expo 2023
Natural Disasters Expo, the world's leading event for the management and mitigation of natural disasters.
Oct 13-14, 2022
Online - ITHACA
CEMS General Assembly 2022
Annual event bringing together the disaster and risk management community into a discussion on the impact and evolution of the CEMS service.